Chapter 3: Advanced Operation 19Skipping a Waypoint – SeaTalk Navigators OnlyIf you wish to advance to the next waypoint before you have arrivedat the target waypoint, press TRACK for 1 second. The WaypointAdvance information for the next waypoint is displayed.AdvanceWhile the waypoint advance alarm is sounding, Track mode issuspended and the autopilot maintains the current boat heading.1. Check that it is safe to turn onto the new track.2. Press the TRACK key. This will cancel the waypoint arrival alarmand turn the boat towards the next waypoint.Unless the Waypoint Advance is accepted in the above manner, thealarm will continue to sound and the current heading will bemaintained.DodgesFull control is still available from the keypad when the autopilot is inTrack mode.Initiating a Dodge ManoeuvreIn track mode, dodge manoeuvres are accomplished by simplyselecting the desired course change using the course change keys(-1, +1, -10 or +10).Cancelling a Dodge ManoeuvreOnce the hazard has been avoided, the course change selected forthe dodge manoeuvre should be cancelled by selecting an equalcourse change in the opposite direction.Note: Provided the vessel remains within 0.1nm of track, there is no need tosteer back towards the track.SafetyPassage making in Track mode removes the chores of compensatingfor wind and tidal drift, and will aid precise navigation. However, itis important to maintain an accurate log with regular plots.Position Confirmation at the Start of a PassageAt the start of a passage you must always confirm the fix given bythe position transducer, using an easily identifiable fixed object.Check for fixed positional errors and compensate for them.