Chapter 3: Advanced Operation 253.3 Adjusting Autopilot PerformanceThe response level and rudder gain can be adjusted during normaloperation using a combined key-press.The default calibration settings for response and rudder gain (refer toDealer Setup) are restored when the system is powered on.Changing the Response Level (Auto Seastate)The response level controls the relationship between the autopilot’scourse keeping accuracy and the amount of helm/drive activity.• Response Level 1, Auto Seastate (Automatic Deadband), causes theautopilot to gradually ignore repetitive movements of the vessel andonly react to true variations in course. This provides the bestcompromise between power consumption and course keepingaccuracy, and is the default calibration setting.• Response Level 2 (Minimum Deadband) provides the tightestcourse keeping possible. However, tighter course keeping results inincreased power consumption and drive unit activity.• Response Level 3 (also Minimum Deadband) provides the tightestcourse keeping possible by introducing yaw damping (requires arate gyro and is only available with course computer systems).The response can be changed at any time. To do so:1. Press the +1 and -1 keys together momentarily to display theResponse screen.2. Press +1 or -1 to change the response level.3. Wait for 5 seconds, or press , to return to the previous display.DXXXX-1RESP RESPBOATHDGNormal Operation