41Chapter 5: Customising the SystemST600R Dealer Calibration Screens when used withthe ST4000 Plus and ST5000 Plus AutopilotsThe ST600R screen cycle for the ST4000 Plus and ST5000 Plus is asfollows:• Pilot Type (eg, 4000 WHL)• Calibration Lock (CAL LOCK)• Rudder Gain (RUDD GAIN)• Response (RESP)• Turn Rate (TURN RATE)• Rudder Offset (ALIGN RUDD)• Off Course (OFF CRS)• Auto Tack (AUTO TACK)• Cruise Speed (SPEED CRS)• Rudder Damping (RUDD DAMP)• Latitude (LAT ADAP)• Variation (VAR EAST/WEST)• Drive Type (DRIVE TYPE)• Automatic Trim (AUTO TRIM)Recommended SettingsThe following pages list the default calibration settings for sailing/power displacement and planing power vessels. Once you have setthe Pilot Type, these will provide good performance for initial seatrials and can be fine tuned later to optimise performance.After initial calibration has been carried out, further adjustment canbe made at any time.The features that can be adjusted are listed in the table at the end ofthis chapter, where you can record your settings for future reference.Information on the functions of the different settings is given in theremainder of this section.The following points should be noted:• Make sure that the autopilot is in Standby mode before you accessDealer Setup• Setup options are always saved on exit