Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings 957 Adjusting Autopilot SettingsCruise speedSet the cruise speed to the boat’s typical cruising speed. If both theboat’s speed through the water and speed over ground are unavailablevia SeaTalk or NMEA, the autopilot will use this default cruise speedwhen computing course changes.AutoAdaptThe AutoAdapt feature allows the autopilot to compensate forheading errors at higher latitudes, which are caused by the increasingdip of the earth’s magnetic field. The increased dip has the effect ofamplifying rudder response on northerly headings in the northernhemisphere, and on southerly headings in the southern hemisphere.Note: If you set AUTOADAPT to nth or Sth, you then need to enter yourcurrent latitude in the next screen (LATITUDE), so that the autopilotcan provide accurate course keeping by automatically adjusting therudder gain depending on the heading. If you have a GPS connected,the autopilot will take latitude information from the GPS.Screen text RangeCRUISE SP 4 to 60 knotsOptionsAUTOADAPT OFF AutoAdapt offAUTOADAPT nth AudoAdapt compensation on – Northern hemisphereAUTOADAPT Sth AutoAdapt compensation on – Southern hemisphereD3263-2PNorth withoutcompensationNorthwithcompensation