6.5 Multiple data sources (MDS)Multiple data sources (MDS) overviewInstallations that include multiple instances of data sources cancause data conflicts. An example is an installation featuringmore than one source of GPS data.MDS enables you to manage conflicts involving the followingtypes of data:• GPS Position.• Heading.• Depth.• Speed.• Wind.Typically this exercise is completed as part of the initialinstallation, or when new equipment is added.If this exercise is NOT completed the system will automaticallyattempt to resolve data conflicts. However, this may result in thesystem choosing a source of data that you do not want to use.If MDS is available the system can list the available datasources and allow you to select your preferred data source.For MDS to be available all products in the system that usethe data sources listed above must be MDS-compliant. Thesystem can list any products that are NOT compliant. It maybe necessary to upgrade the software for these non-compliantproducts to make them compliant. Visit the Raymarine website(www.raymarine.com) to obtain the latest software for yourproducts. If MDS-compliant software is not available and youdo NOT want the system to automatically attempt to resolvedata conflicts, any non-compliant product(s) can be removed orreplaced to ensure the entire system is MDS-compliant.Viewing vessel data sourcesYou can view available multiple data sources on a system byfollowing the steps below:1. Go to the MDS menu: Main menu > Setup > System setup> Multiple data source.2. Highlight the required data type:• GPS position• Heading• Depth• Speed• Wind3. Press SELECT.You will be shown a list of all available data sources for thechosen data type.4. Highlight a data type and press SELECTYou will now see detailed information about the data sourcewhich will include:• Device• Serial number• Port ID• StatusSelecting a preferred data sourceTo select a preferred data source for your system:1. Go to the MDS menu: Main menu > Setup > System setup> Multiple data source.2. Press OPTIONS.3. Highlight Selection and press SELECT.4. Highlight Manual and press SELECTYou will be taken back to the source options screen.5. Highlight Use this source and press SELECT6. To let the system automatically select a data source at thesource selection screen highlight and press AUTO.Where displays on your system are not capable in participatingin MDS you will be shown a list of the devices that do not supportthis feature.Getting started 35