Chapter 1: Important informationWarning: Autopilot systemInstallationAs correct performance of the vessel’s steering iscritical for safety, we STRONGLY RECOMMENDthat an Authorized Raymarine ServiceRepresentative fits this product. You will onlyreceive full warranty benefits if you can show thatan Authorized Raymarine Service Representativehas installed and commissioned this product.Warning: Product installation andoperationThis product must be installed and operated inaccordance with the instructions provided. Failureto do so could result in personal injury, damage toyour vessel and/or poor product performance.Warning: Maintain a permanentwatchAlways maintain a permanent watch, this will allowyou to respond to situations as they develop.Failure to maintain a permanent watch putsyourself, your vessel and others at serious risk ofharm.Warning: Ensure safe navigationThis product is intended only as an aid to navigationand must never be used in preference to soundnavigational judgment. Only official governmentcharts and notices to mariners contain all thecurrent information needed for safe navigation, andthe captain is responsible for their prudent use. It isthe user’s responsibility to use official governmentcharts, notices to mariners, caution and propernavigational skill when operating this or any otherRaymarine product.Warning: Product groundingBefore applying power to this product, ensure it hasbeen correctly grounded, in accordance with theinstructions in this guide.Warning: Positive ground systemsDo not connect this unit to a system which haspositive grounding.Warning: Power supply voltageConnecting this product to a voltage supply greaterthan the specified maximum rating may causepermanent damage to the unit. Refer to theTechnical specification section for voltage rating.Warning: Switch off power supplyEnsure the vessel’s power supply is switched OFFbefore starting to install this product. Do NOTconnect or disconnect equipment with the powerswitched on, unless instructed in this document.Caution: Power supply protectionWhen installing this product ensure the powersource is adequately protected by means of asuitably-rated fuse or automatic circuit breaker.Warning: Ensure all equipment hasisolated power supplyThis product features an isolated power supply. Toprevent potential damage to equipment, Raymarinerecommends that any external equipmentconnected to this product also features an isolatedpower supply.TFT DisplaysThe colors of the display may seem to vary when viewed againsta colored background or in colored light. This is a perfectlynormal effect that can be seen with all color Thin Film Transistor(TFT) displays.Caution: Service and maintenanceThis product contains no user serviceablecomponents. Please refer all maintenanceand repair to authorized Raymarine dealers.Unauthorized repair may affect your warranty.Water ingressWater ingress disclaimerAlthough the waterproof rating capacity of this product meetsthe stated IPX standard (refer to the product’s TechnicalSpecification), water intrusion and subsequent equipmentfailure may occur if the product is subjected to commercialhigh-pressure washing. Raymarine will not warrant productssubjected to high-pressure washing.DisclaimerRaymarine does not warrant that this product is error-free or thatit is compatible with products manufactured by any person orentity other than Raymarine.Raymarine is not responsible for damages or injuries caused byyour use or inability to use the product, by the interaction of theproduct with products manufactured by others, or by errors ininformation utilized by the product supplied by third parties.EMC installation guidelinesRaymarine equipment and accessories conform to theappropriate Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations,to minimize electromagnetic interference between equipmentand minimize the effect such interference could have on theperformance of your systemCorrect installation is required to ensure that EMC performanceis not compromised.For optimum EMC performance we recommend that whereverpossible:• Raymarine equipment and cables connected to it are:– At least 1 m (3 ft) from any equipment transmitting orcables carrying radio signals e.g. VHF radios, cables andantennas. In the case of SSB radios, the distance shouldbe increased to 7 ft (2 m).– More than 2 m (7 ft) from the path of a radar beam. Aradar beam can normally be assumed to spread 20 degreesabove and below the radiating element.• The product is supplied from a separate battery from that usedfor engine start. This is important to prevent erratic behaviorand data loss which can occur if the engine start does nothave a separate battery.• Raymarine specified cables are used.• Cables are not cut or extended, unless doing so is detailed inthe installation manual.Important information 7