9.3 Mode menuPilot modes are accessed from the Mode menu. The availablemodes are determined by the autopilot system and the selectedvessel hull type.The modes available are shown below.Evolution SPX SmartPilotPattern Power vessel Motor and FishingvesselsTrack all allWind vane Sailing vessel only Sailing vessel only*Power Steer p70R and joystick only p70R and joystick onlyNote:• * Power steer mode is only available on vessels fitted with arudder reference transducer.• ** Wind vane mode is only available if there is a connectsource of wind data.The mode menu also provides a shortcut key option that enablesa mode to be assigned to the Left Soft button (The defaultoption is Track).9.4 PatternsA number of pre-set fishing patterns are available which canbe used with their default settings or adjusted to your ownpreference.The following patterns are available:Pattern Adjustment IconDirectionCircleRadiusDirectionAngleZig ZagLengthDirectionCloverleafRadiusDirectionRadiusSpiralIncrementDirectionRadiusCircle againstDistanceDirectionFigure 8RadiusDirectionWidthHeightWidth incrementPattern searchHeight incrementDirection180 turnRadiusDirectionWidthBox searchHeightUsing a fishing patternIn order to use a fishing pattern:1. Press the RIGHT SOFT button to open the menu.2. Using the UP and DOWN buttons highlight Mode and pressSELECT.3. Using the UP and DOWN buttons highlight Pattern andpress SELECT.4. Using the UP and DOWN buttons highlight the fishing patternyou wish you use and press SELECT.5. The pattern settings screen shall be displayed, showing theparameters currently set for the selected pattern. If you wantto change any of the parameters:i. Select the parameter you want to change, then pressEDIT.ii. Use the UP and DOWN buttons to set the value you want,then press SAVE to save the setting and return to thePattern settings screen.iii. Repeat steps i and ii as necessary, for the otherparameters.6. When all parameters are set as required, and with the patternsettings screen displayed, press AUTO. The autopilot thensteers the boat over the fishing pattern you selected.To return to manual steering at any time, press STANDBY.Pilot modes 55