33The vent must be installed to prevent flue gas leakage.Care must be taken during assembly to ensure that alljoints are sealed properly and are airtight. The ventmust be installed to prevent the potential accumulationof condensate in the vent pipes. It is required that:1. The vent must be installed with a condensatedrain located in proximity to the heater as directedby the vent manufacturer.2. The vent must be installed with a slight upwardslope of not less than 1/4 inch per foot of horizon-tal run to the vent terminal.3. The vent must be insulated through the length ofthe horizontal run.TerminationThe flue direct vent cap MUST be mounted on the ex-terior of the building. The direct vent cap cannot beinstalled in a well or below grade. The direct vent capmust be installed at least 1 ft above ground level andabove normal snow levels. The Raypak-approvedstainless steel flue direct vent cap MUST be used(sales order option D-15). The vent terminal must belocated NO CLOSER than 12” off the wall, and the dis-charge screens MUST discharge horizontally. Thelong axis of the D-15 vent cap must NOT be vertical orat an angle from horizontal.Direct Vent—VerticalInstallationThese installations utilize the heater-mounted blowerto draw combustion air from outdoors and vent com-bustion products to the outdoors.The total length of air supply pipe cannot exceed thedistances listed in Table M. Each elbow used is equalto 10 ft of straight pipe. This will allow installation inany arrangement that does not exceed the lengthsshown in Table M. The vent cap is not considered inthe overall length of the venting system.Care must be taken during assembly that all joints aresealed properly and are airtight.The vent must be installed to prevent the potential ac-cumulation of condensate in the vent pipes. It isrequired that:1. The vent must be installed with a condensatedrain located in proximity to the heater as directedby the vent manufacturer.2. The vent must be installed with a slight upwardslope of not more than 1/4 inch per foot of hori-zontal run to the vent terminal.3. The vent must be insulated through the length ofthe horizontal run.TerminationThe vent cap MUST be mounted on the exterior of thebuilding. The vent cap cannot be installed in a well orbelow grade. The vent cap must be installed at least 1ft above ground level and above normal snow levels.The vent cap MUST NOT be installed with any com-bustion air inlet directly above a vent cap. This verticalspacing would allow the flue products from the ventcap to be pulled into the combustion air intake installedabove.This type of installation can cause non-warrantableproblems with components and poor operation of theheater due to the recirculation of flue products. Multi-ple vent caps installed in the same horizontal planemust have a 4 ft clearance from the side of one ventWARNING: No substitutions of flue pipe or ventcap material are allowed. Such substitutions wouldjeopardize the safety and health of inhabitants.Fig. 28: Direct Vent - VerticalCAUTION: This venting system requires theinstallation of a condensate drain in the vent pipingper the vent manufacturer’s instructions. Failure toinstall a condensate drain in the venting system maycause a non-warrantable failure. Condensate isacidic and highly corrosive.