40Table O: View MenuItem Application DescriptionOUTDOOR H MODE 1,2,3 Outdoor air temperatureBoil Target H MODE 1,2,3 Current target temperatureSUPPLY H MODE 1,2,3 Current system supply temperatureBoil OUTLET All Current boiler outlet temperatureBoil INLET All Current boiler inlet temperatureBoil ∆T All Current temperature difference between boiler outlet and boiler inletDHW SUPPLY H MODE 2,3 Current indirect DHW supply temperatureTANK DHW WH Current tank temperatureBOILER STATUS All IDLE, PREP, IGN, MOD RATE %, POST, SOFTPOOL P Current pool temperatureAdjusting the XTherm SetpointTo adjust the setpoint on the XTherm:Use the MENU key to scroll to the SETUP/ADJUSTmenu, then use the ITEM key to scroll to the SET-POINT item. Adjust the Setpoint using the UP andDOWN arrow keys. Minimum is 50°F, Maximum is thePIM™ value, and the default is 180°F for H modelsand 125°F for WH models.View MenuThe VIEW menu is the default menu. It displays sen-sor temperatures, the modulation rate of the blower,heater cascade status, pump operation and CFH infor-mation. Some of the items displayed are mode specificand are only observable when its corresponding modeis active.Menu - Initial AdjustmentTo change settings use the MENU key to scroll to theSETUP/ADJUST menu. The ADJUST menu allowsthe installer to make adjustments to items shown inTable N.Refer to the VERSA IC Control I&O Manual (Catalog#5000.72) for detailed setup instructions.User InterfaceThe user interface consists of several Menu options.Press the MENU button to scroll through the differentmenus in the interface. Press the ITEM button to scrollthrough available items within a selected menu. And,the UP and DOWN buttons allow for setting changesto items in the ADJUST menu. Refer to Fig. 44 for dis-play and key locations.For detailed descriptions of the various screens, con-sult the VERSA IC Control I&O Manual (Catalog#5000.72).Fig. 44: User Interface