50Follow-UpSafety checks must be recorded as performed.Turn heater on. After main burner ignition:1. Check manometer for proper readings.2. Cycle heater several times and re-check readings.3. Remove all manometers and replace caps andscrews.4. Check for gas leaks one more time.Leak Test Procedure: Dual-Seat GasValveProper leak testing requires three pressure test pointsin the gas train. Remove the upper front panel andswing the front J-box out of the way to access the gasvalve for this test. Refer to fig. 47.Test point A is a bleedle valve located upstream of thecombination gas valve on the supply manifold.Test point B is a bleedle valve located between the twoautomatic gas valve seats.Test point C is a bleedle valve located downstream ofboth automatic gas valve seats and upstream of themanual valve.These tests are to be conducted with the electricalpower to the heater turned OFF.1. Manually close the downstream leak test valve.2. Open the bleedle valve at test point A and connecta manometer to it. Verify that there is gas pressureand that it is within the proper range (NOTE: mustnot exceed 14.0 in. WC).3. Open test point B and connect a rubber tube to it.Connect the other end of the tube to a manometerand look for a build-up of pressure. Increasingpressure indicates a leaking gas valve which mustbe replaced.4. Next, close the upstream manual gas valve (fieldsupplied) and remove the manometers from thebleedle valves in test point A and test point B.Connect a rubber tube from the test point A blee-dle valve to the test point B bleedle valve andopen the upstream manual gas valve. Make surethat test point A & B bleedle valves have beenopened so as to allow gas to flow. This will bringgas pressure to the second valve seat.5. Open the bleedle valve at test point C and connecta second rubber tube to it. Connect the other endof the tube to a manometer and look for a build-upof pressure. Increasing pressure indicates a leak-ing gas valve which must be replaced.6. Remove rubber tube and manometers. Closeeach bleedle valve as the tubes are removed.7. After no leakage has been verified at all valveseats and test valve, open downstream leak testvalve and restore electrical power to the heater.Safety Inspection1. Check all thermostats and high limit settings.2. During the following safety checks leave manome-ters hooked up, check and record.3. If other gas-fired appliances in the room are on thesame gas main, check all pressures on theXTherm with all other equipment running.4. Check thermostats for ON-OFF operation.5. Check high limits for ON-OFF operation.6. While in operation, check flow switch operation.7. Check the low gas pressure switch (if provided).(For proper adjustment, use the attachedmanometers, if available, to set pressure. Thescales on the switch are approximate only.) Lowgas pressure switch (if provided) must be set at3.0 in. WC for natural gas and propane gas.8. Make sure that the high gas pressure switch is setto 3.0 in. WC for both natural gas and propanegas.Finishing1. Record all data on the “Start-up Checklist” locatedat the back of this manual.2. Disconnect the manometers and reconnect thecap on the fan pressure tee and reinsert the seal-ing screws into the bleedle valves.3. Start-up is complete and the heater should be