91Field DescriptionName Specifies a name for the custom user script. The script resource allows a standardLSB-compliant init script to be used to start a clustered service.File (withpath)Enter the path where this custom script is located (for example, /etc/init.d/userscript).Table C.17. ScriptField DescriptionService name Name of service. This defines a collection of resources, known as a resource groupor cluster service.Automaticallystart thisserviceIf enabled, this service (or resource group) is started automatically after thecluster forms a quorum. If this parameter is disabled, this service is not startedautomatically after the cluster forms a quorum; the service is put into the disabledstate.Run exclusive If enabled, this service (resource group) can only be relocated to run on anothernode exclusively; that is, to run on a node that has no other services running on it.If no nodes are available for a service to run exclusively, the service is not restartedafter a failure. Additionally, other services do not automatically relocate to a noderunning this service as Run exclusive. You can override this option by manualstart or relocate operations.FailoverDomainDefines lists of cluster members to try in the event that a service fails.RecoverypolicyRecovery policy provides the following options:• Disable — Disables the resource group if any component fails.• Relocate — Tries to restart service in another node; that is, it does not try torestart in the current node.• Restart — Tries to restart failed parts of this service locally (in the current node)before trying to relocate (default) to service to another node.Table C.18. ServiceField DescriptionInstanceNameSpecifies the instance name of the Sybase ASE resource.ASE servernameThe ASE server name that is configured for the HA service.Sybase homedirectoryThe home directory of Sybase products.Login file The full path of login file that contains the login-password pair.Interfaces file The full path of the interfaces file that is used to start/access the ASE server.SYBASE_ASEdirectorynameThe directory name under sybase_home where ASE products are installed.