Installing and Configuring the Apache HTTP Server77This IP address then must be configured as a cluster resource for the service using the ClusterConfiguration Tool.• If the script directory resides in a non-standard location, specify the directory that contains theCGI programs. For example:ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "/mnt/httpdservice/cgi-bin/"• Specify the path that was used in the previous step, and set the access permissions to default tothat directory. For example: /mnt/httpdservice/cgi-bin">AllowOverride NoneOptions NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from allAdditional changes may need to be made to tune the Apache HTTP Server or add modulefunctionality. For information on setting up other options, refer to the Red Hat Enterprise LinuxSystem Administration Guide and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Reference Guide.2. The standard Apache HTTP Server start script, /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd is also used withinthe cluster framework to start and stop the Apache HTTP Server on the active cluster node.Accordingly, when configuring the service, specify this script by adding it as a Script resource inthe Cluster Configuration Tool.3. Copy the configuration file over to the other nodes of the cluster (or nodes of the failover domain, ifconfigured).Before the service is added to the cluster configuration, ensure that the Apache HTTP Serverdirectories are not mounted. Then, on one node, invoke the Cluster Configuration Tool to add theservice, as follows. This example assumes a failover domain named httpd-domain was created forthis service.1. Add the init script for the Apache HTTP Server service.• Select the Resources tab and click Create a Resource. The Resources Configurationproperties dialog box is displayed.• Select Script form the drop down menu.• Enter a Name to be associated with the Apache HTTP Server service.• Specify the path to the Apache HTTP Server init script (for example, /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd) in the File (with path) field.• Click OK.2. Add a device for the Apache HTTP Server content files and/or custom scripts.