Chapter 4.43Managing Red Hat Cluster With CongaThis chapter describes various administrative tasks for managing a Red Hat Cluster and consists ofthe following sections:• Section 4.1, “Starting, Stopping, and Deleting Clusters”• Section 4.2, “Managing Cluster Nodes”• Section 4.3, “Managing High-Availability Services”• Section 4.4, “Diagnosing and Correcting Problems in a Cluster”4.1. Starting, Stopping, and Deleting ClustersYou can perform the following cluster-management functions through the luci server component ofConga:• Restart a cluster.• Start a cluster.• Stop a cluster.• Delete a cluster.To perform one of the functions in the preceding list, follow the steps in this section. The starting pointof the procedure is at the cluster tab (at the Choose a cluster to administer page).1. At the right of the Cluster Name for each cluster listed on the Choose a cluster to administerpage is a drop-down box. By default, the drop-down box is set to Restart this cluster. Clickingthe drop-down box box reveals all the selections available: Restart this cluster, Stop thiscluster/Start this cluster, and Delete this cluster. The actions of each function are summarizedas follows:• Restart this cluster — Selecting this action causes the cluster to be restarted. You can selectthis action for any state the cluster is in.• Stop this cluster/Start this cluster — Stop this cluster is available when a cluster is running.Start this cluster is available when a cluster is stopped.Selecting Stop this cluster shuts down cluster software in all cluster nodes.Selecting Start this cluster starts cluster software.• Delete this cluster — Selecting this action halts a running cluster, disables cluster softwarefrom starting automatically, and removes the cluster configuration file from each node. You canselect this action for any state the cluster is in. Deleting a cluster frees each node in the clusterfor use in another cluster.2. Select one of the functions and click Go.3. Clicking Go causes a progress page to be displayed. When the action is complete, a page isdisplayed showing either of the following pages according to the action selected: