Configuring Systems in an Organization233.4. Configuring Systems in an OrganizationNow that an organization has been created and requisite entitlements assigned to it, you can thenassign systems to each organization.There are two basic ways to register a system against a particular organization:1. Registering Using username and Password — If you provide a username and password createdfor a specified organization, the system will be registered to that organization. For example, ifuser-123 is a member of the Central IT organization on the Satellite, the following command onany system would register that system to the Central IT organization on your Satellite:rhnreg_ks --username=user-123 --password=foobazNoteThe --orgid (for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 and 5) and --orgpassword (in RHEL4) parameters in rhnreg_ks are not related to Satellite registration or RHN Satellite'smultiple organizations support.2. Registering Using An Activation Key — You can also register a system to an organization usingan activation key from the organization. Activation keys will register systems to the organization inwhich the activation key was created. Activation keys are a good registration method to use if youwant to allow users to register systems into an organization without providing them login access tothat organization. If you want to move systems between organizations, you may also automate themove with scripts using the activation keys.NoteActivation keys have a new format since RHN Satellite 5.1.0, so the first fewcharacters of the activation key are used to indicate which organization (by IDnumber) owns the key.3.5. Admin -> UsersThe Users Across Satellite page contains a list of all users on the Satellite, throughout allorganizations.NoteYou are only able to modify the details of organization users if you are logged in as thatOrganization Administrator.Clicking the Username displays the User Details page.3.5.1. Admin -> Organizations -> Details -> UsersThe Users subtab lists the users assigned to the organization, including their real names, emailaddress, and a check mark indicating that the user is an administrator of the organization.