Other Cobbler settings53• distributions: $tree_name:$org_id:$org_name (if manually created)Or $tree_name (if synced by Satellite Sync)• profiles: $profile_name:$org_id:$org_nameYou will encounter these names if you choose to interact with Cobbler directly at the command line.Note that it is important that you do not alter Satellite generated names so long as you want to allowSatellite to maintain the objects in question.NoteSatellite does not create or recognize Cobbler "repo" objects. Satellite's equivalent derivesfrom its notion of channels and is a function of a layer of logic over them. It takes the formof a special URL which Cobbler is made to use instead.5.9.5. Other Cobbler settingsThere are only a few settings that should concern Satellite users. pxe_just_once is mentionedearlier in the PXE section. server should be set to the address or hostname of the Satellite server.No other settings should be tweaked in /etc/cobbler/settings as Satellite assumes them to bein a certain configuration. The settings file itself is layed down by the Satellite installer.Similarly, /etc/cobbler/modules.conf, which controls authentication sources, should remain asinstalled by the Satellite installer. (The authentication module choice must remain authn_spacewalkand is not changeable).After changing /etc/cobbler/settings (such as the server parameter or pxe_just_once) it isimportant to run the following so that the settings take effect:sudo /sbin/service cobblerd restartsudo cobbler sync5.9.6. Using Koan directlykoan (kickstart over a network) is a client utility that lets you invoke Satellite's (and Cobbler's)functionality remotely from already provisioned hosts. With it you can exercise kickstart provisioning,create virtual guests (on VM hosts), and list the kickstarts available from the Satellite host. It isavailable in the koan package.You can read the koan manpage by running:man koanYou can re-provision an existing system using koan by using one of the following methods:koan --replace-self --server=satellite.example.org --profile=profile-nameOr: