Kickstart Profiles375.6. Kickstart ProfilesKickstart profiles are the "recipes" that allow the installer to install the system with all of theconfigurations that the user wants. It is highly recommended that you review the "KickstartInstallations" Chapter of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide available at the followingURL: guide discusses all of the options available for customizing the installation.5.6.1. Virtualization TypesAll Kickstart profiles have a virtualization type associated with them:• None — This profile will be treated as not virtualized at all. Use this profile for normal re-provisioning, bare metal, and non-Xen or KVM installations (such as VMware, Virtage, etc.).• KVM Virtualized Guest — A KVM Guest. This is a supported feature for Red Hat Enterprise Linux5.4 and newer.• Xen Fully-Virtualized Guest — This option requires hardware support on the host, but does notrequire a modified operating system in the guest.• Xen Para-Virtualized Guest — A virtual guest using Xen para-virtualiztion. Para-virtualiztion is thefastest virtualization mode and does not require any hardware support besides a PAE flag on thesystem CPU, but does require a modified operating system. The following versions are supported asguests under para-virtualization:• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (Any Update supported)• Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (Update 5 or later)• Xen Virtualization Host — A system that will host guests using Xen virtualization technology. Thiscan support Xen paravirt guests, and can also support Xen fully-virtualized guests if the hardwareitself supports it.NoteKickstarts created to be Xen hosts should include the kernel-xen package in the%packages section.Kickstarts for KVM hosts should include the qemu package.Fullvirt systems may require virtualization support to be turned on in the computer's BIOS.5.6.2. Creating Kickstart ProfilesRHN Satellite supports two distinct methods of kickstart profile creation: Wizard-based and Raw.Wizard style kickstart profiles are generated and maintained by Satellite logic, with many hooksfor user modification of kickstart parameters. The Raw method is a mechanism by which you havecomplete control over the content of the kickstart file: you write the file completely yourself or uploadan existing pre-made Kickstart file, and are entirely responsible for its contents.