1. Put the start inhibitor (E), plastic clips (F) andsprings (G and H) in the handle.FFFGGHEG2. Put the relay with cables (D) and the loop (C) in thehandle.C D3. Attach the handle halves with the 10 screws.4. Make sure the safety catch moves to the rear in alldirections.5. Put the cables through the hole (B) in the chassisand connect the plugs (A) to the control unit.ABCAUTION: Make sure that the safety catchoperates correctly when the plugs (A) areconnected.6. Assemble the gear housing and motor in thechassis. SeeTo assemble the gear housing andmotor in the chassis on page 12.7. Assemble the right half of the chassis. SeeToremove the front handle on page 9.8. Attach the front handle in opposite sequence ofTodisassemble the front handle and start inhibitor onpage 10.5.5 Power trigger5.5.1 To disassemble the power trigger and handlestop1. Disassemble the front handle and the right chassishalf. SeeTo remove the front handle on page 9 andTo disassemble the chassis on page 8.2. Disassemble the rear handle. SeeTo disassemblethe rear handle on page 17.3. Remove the handle stop (A) and the spring (B).Remove the power trigger (C).CBA580 - 001 - 27.03.2018 Repair instructions - 11