6 Troubleshooting6.1 OverhaulExamine the components of the product. You find repairand servicing instructions for each component in therelated chapters of this manual.6.2 To connect the common service tool1. Connect the adapter cable for the common servicetool to the battery and the battery connector on theproduct. Connect cable (A) to the common servicetool to do troubleshooting of the product. Connectcable (B) to the common service tool to dotroubleshooting of the battery.A BNote: Refer to the manual for the common servicetool for instructions and obey the instructions.2. Do troubleshooting as given in the common servicetool instructions.6.3 To do troubleshooting of the commonservice toolIf there is no signal to the common service tool when it isconnected to the product, do the procedure that follows.1. Make sure that the connectors on the battery and onthe product are clean and not damaged. Replace thebattery or control unit on the product if there isdamage.2. Make sure that the cable to the common service toolis clean and not damaged. Replace the cable if thereis damage.3. Restart the computer.4. Install the software again.6.4 Troubleshooting of the productSymptom Possible causes Recommended stepThe product does not start. No LEDscome on when you press the on/offbutton.Defective battery. Press the on/off button to do a checkof the battery. A minimum of 1 greenLED must come on.Defective plug between battery andproduct.Make sure that the power connectorsbetween the battery and the productare not dirty or damaged.Defective connection in keypad con-nector.Make sure that the keypad connectoris correctly assembled, dry, not dam-aged and that there is no corrosion.Broken keypad. Replace keypad.Cables between control unit and key-pad/main switch are damaged.Repair/replace the cables if you cansee damages.Short circuit in control unit. Replace control unit.No reaction from the electrical motorwhen you push the power trigger.Front handle not started. Start and hold the front handle whenyou push the power trigger.Defective connection in the signalconnector for the main switch.Make sure that the main switch signalconnector is correctly assembled, dry,not damaged and that there is no cor-rosion.Motor connector not correctly assem-bled.Make sure that the motor connec-tor(s) are correctly assembled.Internal damage to main switch. Replace main switch.Short circuit in control unit. Replace control unit.580 - 001 - 27.03.2018 Troubleshooting - 21