5.8 Control unit and battery plug5.8.1 To disassemble the control unit and batteryplug1. Disconnect the plugs to the front handle from thecontrol unit. SeeTo assemble the start inhibitor andthe front handle on page 10.2. Remove the screws (A) on the control unit and thescrews (B) on the battery plug. Remove the plug (C)and lift out the control unit, the battery plug and thecables from the chassis.AABBC3. Remove the plugs (D and E) to disconnect thecontrol unit and the battery plug.D E5.8.2 To assemble the control unit and battery plugNote: Make sure the cables are not damaged and areset correctly in the chassis.CAUTION: The cables must hang straight downfrom the plugs. Make sure that they are not benttoo much.1. Connect plugs (D and E) on the battery plug to thecontrol unit.FGD E2. Make sure that cables (F) and (G) are red.3. Put the control unit, battery plug and cables into thechassis.4. Connect the plug (C). Attach screws (A) on thecontrol unit and screws (B) on the battery plug.Tightening torque 1 ~4 Nm.AABBC5. Connect the plugs for the front handle to the controlunit. SeeTo assemble the start inhibitor and thefront handle on page 10.5.9 Keypad5.9.1 To disassemble the keypadCAUTION: The flat cable to the keypad is veryeasily damaged.580 - 001 - 27.03.2018 Repair instructions - 15