REER S.p.A. - 32 via Carcano - 10153 Torino Italia Internet: - e-mail: info@reer.it388541150 - rev.1 - 10/07/2017Electrical connections/Operating modesRESTART (MANUAL OPERATION)Pin 10 has RESTART function. As a result of occupation of the protected area, outputs will be deactivated(Manual mode - start/restart interlock enabled). To reactivate them you will need to repeat the sequence:¾ “0Vdc” → “24Vdc” → “0Vdc”.¾ The high level (24Vdc) must be between 100 ms and 5 s. Use in manual mode (start/restart interlock enabled) is mandatory in case the safety devicecontrols a gate to protect a dangerous area and a person, once crossed the gate, can stayin the hazardous area without being detected (use as a ‘trip device’ according to IEC 61496). The Restart command must be located outside the hazardous area, at a point where thehazardous area and the entire working area concerned are clearly visible. It must not be possible to reach the command from inside the hazardous area.AUTOMATIC OPERATIONThanks to the connection of the pin 10 on the main receiver connector, the operator can choose to enablethe AUTOMATIC operation.In Automatic operating mode, the OSSD1 and OSSD2 safety outputs follow the status of the light curtain:¾ with guarded area free, the outputs are ON.¾ with guarded area occupied, they are OFF.OVERRIDE1RESTART (10)SAFEGATERECEIVERAUTOMATICSAFEGATERECEIVERMANUALOVERRIDE1RESTART (10)24VdcRESTARTN.C. If the SAFEGATE light curtain is used in AUTOMATIC mode, it will not be equipped witha start/restart interlock circuit. In most applications, this safety function is mandatory.Carefully evaluate the risks analysis of your own application.DE1T (10)TICSAFEGATERECEIVERMANUALOVERRIDE1RESTART (10)24VdcRESTARTN.C.