Regency ® PG36-5 Gas Log Fireplace 17INSTALLATIONDiagram 58) Slide the appliance and flue assemblytowards the wall carefully inserting theflue pipe into the flue cap assembly. It isimportant that the flue pipe extends intothe flue cap sufficient distance so as toresult in a minimum pipe overlap of 1-1/4inches. Secure the connection between theflue pipe and the flue cap by attaching thetwo sheet metal strips extending from theflue cap assembly into the outer wall of theflue pipe. Use the two sheet metal screwsprovided to connect the strips to the pipesection. See Diagram 4.9) Install wall thimble in the center of the10" square and attach with wood screws(Diagram 5).HORIZONTALTERMINATIONSInstall the flue system according to themanufacturer's instructions included withthe components.1) Set the unit in its desired location. Check todetermine if wall studs or roof rafters are inthe way when the flueing system is attached.If this is the case, you may want to adjustthe location of the unit. Rough in the gaspreferably on the right side of the unit andthe electrical (junction block is on the leftside) on the left.2) Co Axial Flue pipe and fittings are designedwith special twist-lock connections to connectthe flueing system to the appliance flue outlet.A twist-lock appliance adaptor is an availableoption that must be used in conjunction withthe Simpson Dura-Vent Co Axial Flue GSsystem.3) Put a bead of silicone inside the outer sectionof the adapter and a bead of Stove Mate onthe inner collar. Slip the adapter over theexisting inner and outer flue collar and fastento the outer collar only with the 3 suppliedscrews (drilling pilot holes will make thiseasier). Level the fireplace and fasten it tothe framing using nails or screws throughthe nailing strips.4) Assemble the desired combination of pipeand elbows to the appliance adaptor andtwist-lock for a solid connection.Note:a) Twist-lock procedure: Four indentations,located on the female ends of pipes andfittings, are designed to slide straightonto the male ends of adjacent pipesand fittings, by orienting the four pipeindentations so they match and slidein to the four entry slots on the maleends, Diagram 1. Push the pipe sectionscompletely together, then twist-lockone section clockwise approximatelyone-quarter turn, until the two sectionsare fully locked. The female locking lugswill not be visible from the outside, onthe Black Pipe or fittings. They may belocated by examining the inside of thefemale ends.Diagram 1b) Horizontal runs of flue must besupported every three feet. Wall strapsare available for this purpose.5) Mark the wall for a 10" x 10" (254mm x254mm) square hole. The center of thesquare hole should line up with the centerlineof the horizontal pipe. Cut and frame the 10inch (254mm) square hole in the exteriorwall where the flue will be terminated. If thewall being penetrated is constructed of non-combustible material, i.e. masonry block orconcrete, a 7"(178mm) dia. (7-1/2"(191mm)dia. for flex) hole is acceptable.Diagram 2Note:a) The horizontal run of flue must be level,or have a 1/4 inch (6mm) rise for every 1foot (.3m) of run towards the termination.Never allow the flue to run downward.This could cause high temperatures andmay present the possibility of a fire.b) The location of the horizontal fluetermination on an exterior wall must meetall local and national building codes, andmust not be blocked or obstructed. ForExternal Flue Terminal Locations, seediagram in the "Exterior Flue TerminationLocations" section.6) The arrow on the flue cap shouldbe pointing up. Insure that the 1-1/2"clearances to combustible materials aremaintained. Install the termination cap,diagram 5.The four wood screws provided shouldbe replaced with appropriate fasteners forstucco, brick, concrete, or other types ofsidings.Note: If installing termination on a sidingcovered wall, a vinyl siding standoffor furring strips must be used toensure that the termination is notrecessed into the siding.7) Before connecting the horizontal run offlue pipe to the flue termination, slide theWall Thimble (Part # 620-926) over the fluepipe.Note: Apply sealant "Mill-Pac" to innerpipe and high temperature siliconesealant to outer pipe on every twist-lock joint.Note: With Dura-Vent,the minimumh e i g h t i sachieved byinstalling a 90oelbow directlyt o t h e f l u eadaptor.Diagram 4Diagram 3