Regency P33 Sunrise™ Gas Fireplace 33INSTALLATIONWALL SWITCH1) Run the supplied wire through the right orleft side gas inlet opening. Be careful notto damage wire.Note: We recommend a maximum of 15'of wire but if you wish to go with alonger run, use the Thermostat WireTable.2) Connect the wire to the wall switch andinstall into the receptacle box. Also attachwires to the valve as shown below.CAUTIONDo not wire millivoltwall switch wireto 120V wire.OptionalWALL THERMOSTATA wall thermostat may be installed if desired,connect the wires as per the wiring diagram.Use table below to determine the maximumwire length.Note: Preferable if the thermostat isinstalled on an interior wall.Regency ® offers an optional programmablethermostat but any 250-750 millivolt rated non-anticipator type thermostat that is CSA, ULC orUL approved may be used.CAUTIONDo not wire millivoltwall thermostat wiresto 120V wire.Thermostat Wire TableOptionalREMOTE CONTROLUse the Regency® Remote Control Kit approvedfor this unit. Use of other systems may voidyour warranty.The remote control kit comes with a hand heldtransmitter, a receiver and a wall mountingplate.1) Choose a convenient location on the wallto install the receiver and the receptaclebox (protection from extreme heat is veryimportant). Run wires from the fireplace tothat location. Use Thermostat Wire Table.2) Connect the two wires to the gas valve. Seediagram below.CAUTIONDo not wire millivoltremote control wiresto 120V wire.3) Install 3 AAA alkaline batteries in transmitterand 4 AA alkaline batteries in the receiver.Install the receiver and its cover in the wall.Switch the remote receiver to "remote"mode. The remote control is now ready foroperation.Recommended Maximum Lead Length(Two-Wire) When Using WallThermostat (CP-2 System)Wire Size Max. Length14 GA. 50 Ft.16 GA. 32 Ft.18 GA. 20 Ft.20 GA. 12 Ft.22 GA. 9 Ft.GT REMOTE FEATURESNote: Regency Proflame systems include a white and black wall cover & switch.