Regency P33 Sunrise™ Gas Fireplace 5SAFETY LABELThis is a copy of the label that accompanieseach P33 Sunrise™ Direct Vent Gas Fireplace.We have printed a copy of the contents here foryour review.NOTE: Regency ® units are constantly beingimproved. Check the label on the unit and ifthere is a difference, the label on the unit is thecorrect one.COPY OF SAFETY DECALFor the State of Massachusetts, installationand repair must be done by a plumber orgas fitter licensed in the Commonwealth ofMassachusetts.For the State of Massachusetts, flexibleconnectors shall not exceed 36 inches inlength.For the State of Massachusetts, the appli-ances individual manual shut-off must be at-handle type valve.The State of Massachusetts requires theinstallation of a carbon monoxide alarm inaccordance with NFPA 720 and a CO alarmwith battery back up in the same room wherethe gas appliance is installed.DO NOT REMOVE THIS LABEL / NE PAS ENLEVER CETTE ÉTIQUETTE343343Minimum supply pressureManifold pressure highManifold pressure lowOrifice sizeMinimum inputMaximum inputAltitudeNATURAL GAS: Model P33S-NG4PROPANE: Model P33S-LP4Minimum supply pressureManifold pressure highManifold pressure lowOrifice sizeMinimum inputMaximum inputAltitudeDOOR SEAL: Please check thatthe door is properly sealedFPI Fireplace Products International Ltd.Delta, BC, CanadaMinimum Clearances to CombustiblesDegagement Minimum De Materiaux Combustibles0" Clearance tocombustibles from:Ceiling Clearances fromTop of Unit:Side Wall Clearance fromSide of Unit:Top, sides, bottom and rear of unit(A) 30" (762mm)B) 7.5"(190mm)Floor Clearance:C) 1”(25mm)D) Max. Depth 36" (914mm)E Min. Width 48" (1219mm)Alcove Clearances)(See Instruction Manual for Detailed Instructions)Serial No./ No de serie918-761a5" WC (1.25 kPa)3.5" WC (0.87 kPa)1.6" WC (0.39 kPa)# 47 DMS0-4500 ft/pi (0-1372 m)12,000 Btu/h (3.51 kW)17,000 Btu/h (4.98 kW)APPAREIL FONCTIONNANT AU NATURAL GASCONCU POUR ETRE POELE:Pression d'allimentation minimumPression a la tubulure d' chappement lev ePression a la tubulure d' chappement basseGrandeur de l'injecteurD bit Califorique minimum selonD bit Caliorfique maximum selonl'altitudeModéle P33S-NG4é é ééééAPPAREIL FONCTIONNANT AU PROPANECONCU POUR ETRE POELE:Pression d'allimentation minimumPression a la tubulure d' chappement lev ePression a la tubulure d' chappement basseGrandeur de l'injecteurD bit Califorique minimum selonD bit Caliorfique maximum selonl'altitudeModéle P33S-LP4é é ééééVENTING: Use listed Direct Vent Pro and others as listed in the manual or Regency Direct Vent System. Only for direct discharge without duct connection. This appliancemust be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions and with local codes, if any; if not, follow the current ANSI Z223.1 in theUSA or the current CAN 1-B149 in Canada. For Manufactured Home Installation: This Direct Vent System Appliance must be installed in accordance withthe manufacturer's installation instructions and Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standard Title 24 CFR, Part 3280, or the current Standardfor Fire Safety Criteria for Manufactured Home Installations, Sites, and Communities ANSI/NFPA 501A, and with CAN/CSA Z240 MH Mobile HomeStandard in Canada Certified for use with Heat Wave (Kit # 946-556).Fan (Part # 432-917) This vented gas fireplace heater is not for use with air filters.MAY BE INSTALLED IN MANUFACTURED (MOBILE) HOMES AFTER FIRST SALE.Listed:Certified for/Certifi e pour:Tested to:WN# 16375VENTED GAS FIREPLACE HEATERCANADA and U.S.A.éCAN/CGA-2.17-M91,ANSI Z21.88a-2007/CSA 2.33a-2007.Model/Modele:P33S-NG4Model/Modele:P33S-LP4Electrical supply 115VAC, 1.13 A, 60Hz.Not for use with solid fuel.Made in Canada/Fabrique au CanadaDuplicate S/NCeilingWallWall11" WC (2.73 kPa)10" WC (2.49 kPa)6.4" WC (1.59 kPa)# 56 DMS0-4500 ft/pi (0-1372 m)12,000 Btu/h (3.51 kW)15,500 Btu/h (4.54 kW)EC