10The machine must be descaled every 2-3 months, when you observe a diminished flowof water or when the machine signals that descaling is necessary. The machine mustbe on; it automatically controls the distribution of the descaling solution.DESCALINGWarning! Never use vinegar as a descaling agent. You can use anycommercially available non-toxic, non-harmful descaling product for coffeemachines. We recommend using a Saeco descaling agent.DESCALINGREADY FOR USE DESCALINGREADY FOR USE DESCALING *SIGNAL.DESCAL. DESCALINGFILL WATERTANKMACHINE ISDESCALING DESCALINGFINISHED RINSE MACHINEFILL WATERTANKRINSE MACHINE RINSINGFINISHEDDESCALING *SIGNAL.DESCAL. SIGNAL.DESCAL. *TIMER SIGNAL.DESCAL.NO SIGNAL.DESCAL.YES SELECT PRODUCTREADY FOR USEThe machine will displaya message when it needsdescaling.Press the “M” button. Place a large containerunder the steam wand.When the descalingcycle is completed, closethe knob.On completing the rinse,close the knob.Press the “M” button.If the desca-ling cycle isinterrupted, the watertank and internalmachine circuits mustbe rinsed.For further instructionson how to clear thedescaling signal, seechapter on programming.Remove the cartridgefilter carefully. Fill thetank with the descalingsolution.Scroll up or down until themenu "Descaling" appearson the top of the display.Open the steam knob.The machine will startdescaling.Rinse out the tank andfill it with fresh water.Press the “M” button toselect the function.Press the “M” button. Use the buttons to viewthe following menu.Press the “M” buttontwice.Open the knob to rinse.Clear the descalingsignal.Press “esc” to exit thedescaling function.