Problem Cause SolutionThe machine is performing itsself-adjustment procedureafter a change in grindersettings or bean types.Brew a few cups of coffee.The coffee is not hotenough.The cups you use are cold. Preheat the cups by rinsing them withhot water.The temperature is set too low.Check the menu settings.Set the temperature to 'high' in themenu.You added milk. Whether the milk you add is warm orcold, it always decreases thetemperature of the coffee to someextent.Coffee does not comeout or coffee comes outslowly.The AquaClean filter was notprepared properly forinstallation or it is clogged.Remove the AquaClean filter and try tobrew a coffee again. If this works, makesure the AquaClean filter is preparedproperly before you place it back. Placeback the prepared filter. If this still doesnot work, the filter might be cloggedand needs to be replaced.The grinder is set to a too finesetting.Set the grinder to a coarser (higher)setting.The brew group is dirty. Clean the brew group.The coffee dispensing spout isdirty.Clean the coffee dispensing spout andits holes with a needle.The machine circuit is blockedby limescale.Descale the machine.The milk does not froth. The internal cappuccinatore isdirty or not inserted correctly.Clean the internal cappuccinatore andmake sure that you position and insert itcorrectly (see 'Cleaning the internalcappuccinatore under the tap').The type of milk used is notsuitable for frothing.Different types of milk result in differentamounts of froth and different frothqualities. We have tested the followingmilk types which proved to deliver agood milk froth result: semi-skimmed orfull-fat cow's milk, soy milk and lactose-free milk.The milk is splashing. The milk you use is not coldenough.Make sure you use cold milk comingdirectly from the fridge.21English