38 EB 8012 ENMaintenance7 MaintenanceThe control valve is subject to normal wear,especially at the seat, plug, and packing.Depending on the operating conditions,check the valve at regular intervals to pre-vent possible failure before it can occur.Tip:SAMSON's After‑sales Service de-partment can support you to draw upa maintenance plan for your plant.We recommend removing the valve from thepipeline or service or repair work (see sec-tion 9.2).DANGER!Risk of bursting in pressure equip-ment.Control valves and pipelines arepressure equipment. Improper open-ing can lead to bursting of the valve.− Before starting any work on thecontrol valve, depressurize all plantsections concerned and the valve.− Drain the process medium from allthe plant sections concerned as wellas the valve.− Wear personal protective equip-ment.WARNING!Risk of personal injury due to resid-ual process medium in the valve.While working on the valve, residualprocess medium can escape and, de-pending on its properties, may leadto personal injury, e.g. (chemical)burns.Wear protective clothing, gloves, andeyewear.WARNING!Risk of burn injuries due to hot orcold components and pipeline.Valve components and the pipelinemay become very hot or cold. Risk ofburn injuries.− Allow components and pipelines tocool down or heat up.− Wear protective clothing andgloves.NOTICERisk of valve damage due to incor-rect maintenance or repair.Service and repair work must only beperformed by trained staff.NOTICERisk of valve damage due to exces-sively high or low tightening torques.Observe the specified torques ontightening control valve components.Excessively tightened torques lead toparts wearing out quicker. Parts thatare too loose may cause leakage.Observe the specified tighteningtorques (u AB 0100).