EB 8012 EN 45MaintenanceTip:When replacing the seat and plug,we also recommend replacing thepacking. See section Standard version1. Remove the actuator from the valve. Seeassociated actuator documentation.2. Undo the body nuts (14) gradually in acriss-cross pattern.3. Lift the flange (2) and plug with plugstem (5) off the body (1).4. Replace gasket as described in sec-tion Unthread the stem connector nut (9) andlock nut (10) from the plug stem.6. Unscrew the threaded bushing (8).7. Pull the plug with plug stem (5) out of theflange (2).8. Pull all the packing parts out of the pack-ing chamber using a suitable tool.9. Unscrew the seat (4) using a suitabletool.10. Apply a suitable lubricant to the threadand the sealing cone of the new seat.11. Screw in the seat (4). Observe tighteningtorques.12. Apply a suitable lubricant to all the pack-ing parts and to the new plug stem (5).We recommend replacing the packing aswell. See section Slide the new plug with plug stem (5) in-to the valve body (1).14. Place the flange (2) onto the body.Version with V-port plug: place theflange (2) onto the valve body, makingsure that the largest V-shaped port of theV-port plug faces toward the valve outlet.See section 5.1.15. Carefully slide the packing parts over theplug stem into the packing chamber us-ing a suitable tool. Make sure to observethe proper sequence (see Fig. 9).16. Press the plug (5) firmly into the seat (4),while fastening down the flange (2) withthe body nuts (14). Tighten the nutsgradually in a criss-cross pattern. Ob-serve tightening torques.17. Screw in the threaded bushing (8) andtighten it. Observe tightening torques.18. Loosely screw the lock nut (10) and stemconnector nut (9) onto the plug stem.19. Mount actuator. See associated actuatordocumentation.20. Adjust lower or upper signal benchrange. See associated actuator docu-mentation.