◀ ▶EnglishN When the Web Browser opens, the cursor is in Tab Mode. In Tab Mode, thecursor highlights text or objects, or surrounds them with a blue rectangle. Tomove the cursor in Tab Mode, use the l / r / u / d buttons. Press ENTEREto select. To scroll the screen u or d down, use the l or r buttons.N You can change from Tab Mode to Pointer Mode by pressing the Yellow {button. Use the arrow buttons to move the pointer. Press ENTERE to select.The Web Browser has a series of icons across the top of the screen. With theseicons, you can easily use the Web Browser. The icons are described below,starting with the icon on the far left of the screen.● (Back): Moves to the previous web page.N If there is no saved previous web page, this icon will not work.● (Forward): Moves to the next web page if there are saved URLs.N If there is no saved next web page, this icon will not work.