4 5LCD 24B KEYSET LAYOUTLABELING PROGRAMMABLE KEYSInsert the end of a paper clip into the notch of the clear cover.Push the cover sideways. Lift the cover and remove the desig-nation strip. Label the designation strip. Replace the strip andcover.VOLSPKHOLDTRSFANS/1 2 ABC 3 DEF4 GHI 5 JKL 6 MNO7 PRS 8 TUV 9 WXY0OPERRLSSCROLLHOLD KEYTRANSFER KEYANSWER/RELEASE KEYPULLOUTDIRECTORY TRAY32 CHARACTER DISPLAY Twolines with 16 characters each.SOFT KEYS Used toactivate features viathe display.SCROLL KEY Used toscroll through displays.16 PROGRAMMABLEKEYS WITH TRI-COLORED LIGHTSUsed for CALL but-tons, intercom calls,outside lines andmany other systemfeatures.8 PROGRAMMABLEKEYS WITH REDLIGHTS Used to callstations directly, toindicate busy condi-tions of other sta-tions, for One Touchdialing and manyother system fea-tures.VOLUME CONTROLKEYS Used to set inde-pendent levels for hand-set, speaker, back-ground music, ring andpage volumes.SPEAKER KEY Used to switchcall to speakerphone.MICROPHONE Forhandsfree operation.SPEAKER For handsfreeoperation and ringing.