34Installation ProcedureEnglishInstallation Procedure(*1) Height difference : The difference of the height between the corresponding indoor unit and the indoor unit installedat the lowest place. For example, When the indoor unit is installed 40m higher than the indoor unit installed at thelowest place, select the option “1”.(*2) The difference between the pipe length of the indoor unit installed at farthest place from an outdoor unit and thepipe length of the corresponding indoor unit from an outdoor unit.For example, when the farthest pipe length is 100 m(328 ft.) and the corresponding indoor unit is 40 m away froman outdoor unit, select the option “2”. (100 - 40 = 60m)(*3) For MTFC option, MTFC(Multi Tenant Function Controller) kit is required.(*4) Heater operation when the SEG9 of 02 series installation option is set to using hot water heater or when SEG15 isset to using external heater.Example 1) Setting 02 series SEG9 =”1” / Setting 05 series SEG18 = “0”: The hot water heater is turned on at thesame time as the heating thermostat is on, and turned off when the heating thermostat is off.kуɇ͔Χ̷ʪߤ࣒Ɗʪϩϩ̈͝˝ߤߢϑʪθ̈ʪϑƊkߧߣ࣭॔ߤ࣭ࢩƊʪϩϩ̈͝˝ߧߢϑʪθ̈ʪϑƊkߪߣ ࣭࣭॔ࡤŵͱͱ͔ϩʪ͔Χख़ϑʪϩϩʪ͔Χॐ˙࣑˵ʪɇϩ̈͝˝compensation temp.) ࣞExternal heater is turned on when the temperature is maintained as 4.5 °C for 10 minutes. Room temp. >set temp. + f(heating compensation temp.) ࣞExternal heater is turned off when the temperature is maintained as 4.5 °C + 1 °C (1 °C is the Hysteresis for On/Off selection.)Additional information on SEG 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9When SEG 3 is set to 1 and the HR-specific auto changeover function is run, the indoor unit operates as shown in thefollowing figure:CTemperaturebdcADBaTsSet temperaturefor Auto modeReferencetemperature forcoolingReference temperature for heatingReference temperature for change fromheating to coolingReference temperature forcoolingCooling thermo offCooling thermo onHeating thermo offHeating thermo onࡤƊʪϩӥϩ˵Ɗkߦ࣑ઘA࣒9ࡤƊʪϩӥϩ˵Ɗkߧ࣑ઘA࣒AࡤƊʪϩӥϩ˵Ɗkߨ࣑ઘA࣒UࡤƊʪϩӥϩ˵Ɗkߪ࣑ઘA࣒The mode change between the Cool and Heat modes is made only when the thermo off state is maintained for theperiod of time set with SEG9.