37EnglishAppendixTroubleshootingAbnormal condition Error codeLED DisplayOperation Defrost Timer Fan FilterError on indoor temperature sensor (Short or Open) E121 X X X X1. Error on Eva-in sensor (Short or Open) E122X X X2. Error on Eva-out sensor (Short or Open) E1233. Discharge sensor error (Short or Open) E126Indoor fan error E154 X X X X1. Error on outdoor temperature sensor (Short or Open) E221X X X2. Error on cond sensor E2373. Error on discharge sensor E251Other outdoor unit sensor error that is not on the above listߣǮ˵ʪ͝ϩ˵ʪθʪ̈ϑ͝ͱʀͱ͔͔Ї̈͝ʀɇϩ̈ͱ͝ɵʪϩиʪʪ͝ϩ˵ʪ̈͝ʒͱͱθॉͱЇϩʒͱͱθЇ̈͝ ϩϑfor 2 minutes E101X X X2. Communication error received from the outdoor unit E1023. 3 miniute tracking error on outdoor unit E2024. Communication error after tracking due to unmatching number ofinstalled units E2015. Error due to repeated communication address E1086. Communication address not confirmed E109Other outdoor unit communication error that is not on the above listSelf diagnosis error displayX X1. Error due to opened EEV (2nd detection) E1512. Error due to closed EEV (2nd detection) E1523. Eva in sensor is detached E1284. Eva out sensor is detached E1295. Thermal fuse error (Open) E1981. COND mid sensor is detached E2412. Refrigerant leakage (2nd detection) E5543. Abnomally high temperature on Cond (2nd detection) E4504. Low pressure s/w (2nd detection) E4515. Abnomally high temperature on discharged air on outdoor unit (2nddetection) E4166. Indoor operation stop due to unconfirmed error on outdoor unit E5597. Error due to reverse phase detection E4258. Comp stop due to freeze detection (6th detection) E4039. High pressure sensor is detached E301