TroubleshootingSamsung Electronics352. Error CodeCODE ExplanationE-101 Indoor unit communication error. Indoor unit can not receive any data from outdoor unit.E-102 Communication error between indoor unit and outdoor unit. Displayed in indoor unit.E-108 Error due to repeated address setting (When 2 or more devices have same address within the network)E-109 Incomplete communication error of indoor unit addressE-121 Error on indoor temperature sensor of indoor unit (Short or Open)E-122 Error on EVA IN sensor of indoor unit (Short or Open)E-123 Error on EVA OUT sensor of indoor unit (Short or Open)E-128 EVA IN temperature sensor of indoor unit is detached from EVA IN pipeE-129 EVA OUT temperature sensor of indoor unit is detached from EVA OUT pipeE-130 Heat exchanger in/out sensors of indoor unit are detachedE-135 RPM feedback error of indoor unit's cleaning fanE-149 Error due to AHU master indoor unit sensor setting.E-151 Error due to opened EEV of indoor unit (2nd detection)E-152 Error due to closed EEV of indoor unit (2nd detection)E-153 Error on floating switch of indoor unit (2nd detection)E-154 RPM feedback error of indoor unitE-161 Mixed operation mode error of indoor unit; When outdoor unit is getting ready tooperate in cooling (or heating) and some of the indoor unit is trying to operate in heating (or cooling) modeE-162 EEPROM error of MICOM (Physical problem of parts/circuit)E-163 Indoor unit's remote controller option input is Incorrect or missing.Outdo or unit EEPROM data errorE-180 Simultaneous opening of cooling/heating MCU SOL V/V (1st detection)E-181 Simultaneous opening of cooling/heating MCU SOL V/V (2nd detection)E-185 Cross wiring error between communication and power cable of indoor unitE-186 Connection error or problem on SPiE-190 No temperature changes in EVA IN during pipe inspection or changes in temperature is seen in indoor unit withwrong addressE-191 No temperature changes in EVA OUT during pipe inspection or changes in temperature is seen in indoor unitwith wrong addressE-198 Error due to disconnected thermal fuse of indoor unitE-201 Communication error between indoor and outdoor units (installation number setting error,repeated indoor unit address, indoor unit communication cable error)E-202 Communication error between indoor and outdoor units (Communication error on all indoor unit, outdoor unitcommunication cable error)E-205 Communication error on all PBA within the outdoor unit C-Box, communication cable errorE-211 When single indoor unit uses 2 MCU ports that are not in series.E-212 If the rotary switch (on the MCU) for address setting of the indoor unit has 3 or more of the same addressE-213 When total number of indoor units assigned to MCU is same as actual number of installed indoor units but thereis indoor unit that is not installed even though it is assigned on MCUE-214 When number of MCU is not set correctly on the outdoor unit or when two or more MCU was installed some ofthem have the same addressE-215 When two different MCU’s have same address value on the rotary switchE-216 When indoor unit is not installed to a MCU port but the switch on the port is set to On.E-217 hen indoor unit is connected to a MCU port but indoor unit is assigned to a MCU and the switchon the port is set to Off