Troubleshooting38Samsung Electronics3. How to take measures for each symptom3-1 Communication error between indoor and outdoor units during tracking (Error Code : E201)1. How to checkYesYesCompare the number of setting values ofsetup switch for the number of indoor unitinstalled for the outdoor unit PCB and thenumber of actual indoor units installed.Press the reset key (K3) of the outdoor unit PCBthen check the display part to see the numberof indoor units responding to the trackingRemove communication line from theoutdoor unit to indoor units then measure2 lines on the outdoor unit with SCOPE.Is there any response fromindoor units on thedisplay part during tracking?Check the communication line from the outdoor unitto indoor units and if there is no problem, find an indoor unitthat hampers communication by making a connection toeach unit and replace the indoor unit PCBafter checking out lines.At that time, is the powerbetween the 2 lines a squire wavewith DC±0.7V?Is the number ofactual indoor units installed and thenumber of setting values of setup switch for thenumber of indoor unit installedidentical?Set the correct number of indoor units on theoutdoor unit switch and press the reset key (K3)on the outdoor unit PCB to execute tracking.After 2 minutes, find an indoor unit that showsa communication error then check if PCBaddress setup has overlapped.(If an indoor unit’s addressis overlapped, communication error occurs)- In that case, all indoor units with wrongaddress setup for more than 2 will havecommunication error.If there is any problem with the address,check the communication line then replaceindoor unit PCB.Check the outdoor unit PCB communicationline and connector then replace the PCB.YesNoNoNo