PRINTING TASKS4.12Extras tabSee page 4.3 for more information about accessing yoursoftware application. Click the Extras tab to access thefollowing features:Option DescriptionWatermark You can create a background image of textto print on each page of your document. See“Using Watermarks” on page 5.10.Overlay Overlays are often used to take the place ofpreprinted forms and letterhead paper. See“Using Overlays” on page 5.13.OutputOptionsPrint Order: You can set the sequence forthe pages to print. Select the print orderfrom the drop-down list.• Normal: Your printer prints all pages fromthe first page to the last page.• Reverse All Pages: Your printer printsall pages from the last page to the firstpage.• Print Odd Pages: Your printer printsonly the odd pages of the document.• Print Even Pages: Your printer printsonly the even pages of the document.Reverse Duplex: In duplex printing, yourprinter reverses the order of the printedpages.123123