SOLVING PROBLEMS 7.57The paperkeeps jamming.There is too muchpaper in the paper tray.Remove excess paper from the tray.If printing on special materials, use theMulti-purpose Tray.Check that the paper size adjusters are setcorrectly.An incorrect type ofpaper is being used.Use only paper that meets the specificationsrequired by the printer.If printing on special materials, use theMulti-purpose Tray.There may be debrisinside the printer.Open the top cover and remove the debris.The printerprints, but thetext is wrong,garbled, orincomplete.The printer cable isloose or defective.Disconnect the printer cable and reconnect.Try a print job that you have already printedsuccessfully. If possible, attach the cableand printer to another computer and try aprint job that you know works. Finally, try anew printer cable.The wrong printerdriver was selected.Check the application’s printer selectionmenu to ensure that your printer isselected.The softwareapplication ismalfunctioning.Try printing a job from another application.The operating system ismalfunctioning.Exit Windows and reboot the computer.Turn the printer off and then back on again.Pages print, butare blank.The toner cartridge isdefective or out oftoner.Redistribute the toner. If necessary, seepage 6.5.If necessary, replace the toner cartridge.The file may have blankpages.Check the file to ensure that it does notcontain blank pages.Some parts, such asthe controller or theboard, may bedefective.Contact a service representative.The illustrationsprint incorrectlyin AdobeIllustrator.The setting in thesoftware application iswrong.Select Download as Bit Image in theAdvanced Options window of the graphicproperties. Print the document.Problem Possible Cause Solution