Solving Problems7.3Half thepage isblank.The page orientationsetting may beincorrect.Change the page orientation in yourapplication. For details, see theSoftware section.The paper size andthe paper sizesettings do notmatch.Ensure that the paper size in theprinter driver settings matches thepaper in the tray.Or, ensure that the paper size in theprinter driver settings matches thepaper selection in the softwareapplication settings you use.The paperkeepsjamming.There is too muchpaper in the papertray.Remove excess paper from the tray.If printing on special materials, usethe Multi-purpose Tray.Check that the paper size adjustersare set correctly.An incorrect type ofpaper is being used.Use only paper that meets printerspecifications.If printing on special materials, usethe Multi-purpose Tray.There may be debrisinside the printer.Open the access door and remove thedebris.The printerprints, butthe text iswrong,garbled, orincomplete.The printer cable isloose or defective.Disconnect and reconnect the printercable. Try a print job that you havealready printed successfully. Ifpossible, attach the cable and printerto another computer and try a printjob that you know works. Finally, trya new printer cable.The wrong printerdriver was selected.Check the application's printerselection menu to ensure that yourprinter is selected.The softwareapplication ismalfunctioning.Try printing a job from anotherapplication.The operatingsystem ismalfunctioning.Exit Windows and reboot thecomputer. Turn the printer off andthen back on again.Problem Possible Cause SolutionPages print,but areblank.The toner cartridgeis defective or out oftoner.Redistribute the toner. If necessary,see page 6.2.If necessary, replace the tonercartridge.The file may haveblank pages.Check the file to ensure that it doesnot contain blank pages.Some parts, such asthe controller or theboard, may bedefective.Contact a service representative.When youare usingWindows98SE, theillustrationsprintincorrectlyfrom AdobeIllustrator.The setting in thesoftware applicationis wrong.Select Download as Bit Image inthe Advanced Options window ofthe graphic properties window. Printthe document again.The printquality ofphotos is notgood.Images arenot clear.The resolution is setto Normal orDraft.Change the resolution toBest and then try printing again.The resolution of thephoto is very low.If you increase the photo size in thesoftware application, the resolutionwill be reduced. Reduce the photosize.Your printerhas an oddsmell duringinitial use.The oil used toprotect the fuser isevaporating.After printing about 100 color pages,there will be no more smell. It is atemporary issue.Problem Possible Cause Solution