Installing driver over the network1402. Using a Network-Connected Machine7Mac1 Make sure that the machine is connected to your network and poweredon.2 Insert the supplied software CD into your CD-ROM drive.3 Double-click the CD-ROM icon that appears on your Mac desktop.4 Double-click the MAC_Installer folder > Installer OS X icon.5 Click Continue.6 Read the license agreement and click Continue.7 Click Agree to agree to the license agreement.8 When the message which warns that all applications will close on yourcomputer appears, click Continue.9 Click Continue on the User Options Pane.If you have not set the IP address yet, click Set IP address and refer to "IPv4configuration using SetIP (Mac)" on page 135. If you want to set the wirelesssetting, refer to "Setup using Mac" on page 158.10 Click Install. All components necessary for machine operations will beinstalled.If you click Customize, you can choose individual components to install.11 Enter the password and click OK.12 Installing software requires you to restart your computer. Click ContinueInstallation.13 After the installation is finished, click Quit or Restart./f””or/F””Specifies log filename.The default log file iscreated in the system tempfolder if not specified.It will create a log file to aspecified folder./h, /H or /? Shows Command-line Usage.Command- line Definition Description