14.15 Themachinedoes notprint.(continued)The connection cablebetween thecomputer and themachine is defective.If possible, attach the cableto another computer that isworking properly and print ajob. You can also try using adifferent printer cable.The port setting isincorrect.Check the Windows printersetting to make sure that theprint job is sent to the correctport. If the computer hasmore than one port, makesure that the machine isattached to the correct one.The machine may beconfiguredincorrectly.Check the printer propertiesto ensure that all of the printsettings are correct.The printer drivermay be incorrectlyinstalled.Repair the printer software.See Software section.The machine ismalfunctioning.Check the display messageon the control panel to see ifthe machine is indicating asystem error. Contact aservice representative.The document size isso big that the harddisk space of thecomputer is notenough to access theprint job.Get more hard disk spaceand print the documentagain.Themachineselects printmaterialsfrom thewrongpapersource.The paper option thatwas selected in theprinter propertiesmay be incorrect.For many softwareapplications, the papersource selection is foundunder the Paper tab withinthe printer properties. Selectthe correct paper source.See the printer driver helpscreen.A print jobis extremelyslow.The job may be verycomplex.Reduce the complexity of thepage or try adjusting the printquality settings.Condition Possible cause Suggested solutionsHalf thepage isblank.The page orientationsetting may beincorrect.Change the page orientationin your application. See theprinter driver help screen.The paper size andthe paper sizesettings do notmatch.Ensure that the paper size inthe printer driver settingsmatches the paper in thetray.Or, ensure that the papersize in the printer driversettings matches the paperselection in the softwareapplication settings you use.Themachineprints, butthe text iswrong,garbled, orincomplete.The printer cable isloose or defective.Disconnect the printer cableand reconnect. Try a print jobthat you have already printedsuccessfully. If possible,attach the cable and themachine to another computerand try a print job that youknow works. Finally, try anew printer cable.The wrong printerdriver was selected.Check the application’sprinter selection menu toensure that your machine isselected.The softwareapplication ismalfunctioning.Try printing a job fromanother application.The operating systemis malfunctioning.Exit Windows and reboot thecomputer. Turn the machineoff and then back on again.Pages print,but they areblank.The toner cartridge isdefective or out oftoner.Redistribute the toner, ifnecessary.If necessary, replace thetoner cartridge.The file may haveblank pages.Check the file to ensure thatit does not contain blankpages.Some parts, such asthe controller or theboard, may bedefective.Contact a servicerepresentative.Condition Possible cause Suggested solutions