10.1 10 Using Document BoxThis chapter explains how to use Document Box with your machine.This chapter includes:• About Document Box• Understanding the Document Box screen• Storing documents to Document boxAbout Document BoxThe Document Box feature makes it possible to store scanned data to thehard drive. Users can send the stored data to various destinations suchas print, fax, e-mail, or an FTP/SMB server. The Document Box providesthree types of boxes: public ( ) , secured ( ) , and common( ) . The public box can be created by all users and all users can storedata to public boxes. The secured box can be created with password byall users. This means that the only users who know the password canaccess to the box and store their data. A common box is provided bydefault. Users cannot create, edit, and delete the common box. When auser needs to store a job that is not assigned to a box (i.e., fax receivingor PC printing in store mode), the data will be stored in the common boxby default.You can also see the System Box tab from the Document Box screen.The System Box is used for temporary data backup such as printing indelayed mode, printing proof page.Understanding the Document Box screenTo use the Document Box feature, press Document Box on the Mainscreen. If the screen displays an other menu, press ( ) to go to theMain screen.Document Box Screens- User Box tab: Create the box where you can save documents suchas the file you have printed, sent by email, or scanned. When youcreate a box, you can set the password to secure your box. The boxwith a password is called Secured Box, and without it, it is calledpublic box.- System Box tab: The machine provided default boxes, which youcannot modify them.- Type: Shows the box is secured or not.- Box Name: Shows the box name.- Owner: Shows the user name of a box.- Date: Shows the date of a box created.- File: Shows the number of total files in the box.- Add: Lets you add more boxes.- Delete: Deletes the selected box.- Edit: Lets you modify a box name and an owner name.- Detail: Shows box information.- Report: Prints the information about the documents inside theselected box.- Search: Searches a box with a box name or an owner name.- Enter: Prints or sends the stored file in the box.