SAMSUNG General DescriptionDCS-816 March 19994 - 9A double burst of warning tone sounds and repeats for every 10 seconds.This feature does not work from single line sets.z Without Warning ToneWhen the barge–in without tone option is set, the barging–in keyset has itsmicrophone muted and the barged–in on station does not receive anoverride display. This feature does not work from single line sets.WARNINGBARGE–IN WITHOUT TONE MAY VIOLATE THE LAW CONCERNING THERIGHT TO PRIVACY. SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO. LTD IS IN NO WAYRESPONSIBLE FOR THE POSSIBLE MISUSE OF THIS FEATURE.Executive/Secretary PoolingEach keyset may be defined as a BOSS or a SECRETARY in systemprogramming. Each BOSS can have up to four SECRETARIES and eachSECRETARY can have up to four BOSSES. These arrangements are known asexecutive/secretary pools. There can be multiple pools in a system. When aBOSS is in DND, all calls to the BOSS ring the first SECRETARY assigned tothat BOSS; if that SECRETARY is busy, the call passes to the next availableSECRETARY assigned to that BOSS. If the SECRETARY must communicatewith the BOSS while he/she is in DND, pressing the corresponding BOSS keyon the SECRETARY's keyset results in an Auto Answer intercom call beingmade to the BOSS (provided the BOSS should be free). A station can only bethe BOSS of one SECRETARY pool. In addition, a station cannot be in morethan one pool.External Music InterfacesDCS-816 provides an interface for connecting a customer–provided externalmusic source. This source can be used for background music, station music onhold or trunk music on hold.External Page InterfacesDCS-816 provides one external page output and it can be assigned to operatewith the dry contact in the system.Flash Key OperationWhile a user is on an outside line, pressing the FLASH key will flash the centraloffice or PBX. This is used for custom calling features on C.O. lines or inconjunction with CENTREX/PBX operation. System programming allowsindividual flash times for C.O. and PBX lines. When C.O. or PBX flash is notrequired, setting the timers for two seconds releases the existing call and returnsdial tone to make a new call.Flexible NumberingSystem programming allows stations to have two-, three- or four-digit extensionnumbers beginning with the digit 2. Default extension numbers begin with 201.Station hunt group access codes can be two or three digits beginning with thedigit 5. These can be changed but will affect other feature access codes. Alluser guides are written using the default numbering plan.