DCS Compact II General Description Chapter 4. Features4-32In the idle condition, the current date and time are conveniently displayed.Display keysets can have 12– or 24–hour clock in either ORIENTAL or WESTERNdisplay format with information shown in uppercase or lowercase letters.Dialed NumberWhen an outside call is made, digits are displayed as the user dials them. If thedisplay indicates an incorrect number was dialed, the user can quickly hang upbefore billing begins.Enhanced Station ProgrammingPersonal programming options are easier to select and confirm with the help ofthe display.Identification of RecallsHold recalls and transfer recalls are identified differently from other ringingcalls. Hold recalls indicate the recalling line or station number and theassociated name. Transfer recalls indicate the recalling line or station and whereit is coming from.Identification of TransfersThe display identifies who transferred a call to the user.Message Waiting Caller NumberWhen the message indication is on, pressing the MESSAGE button displays thestation number(s) of the person(s) who have messages for the user. Displaykeyset users can scroll up and down to view message indications.Outside Line IdentificationEach line can be identified with an 11–character name. Incoming calls displaythis name before the call is answered. This feature is helpful when individuallines must be answered with different greetings.Override IdentificationIf another station barges–in on a user's conversation, the display alerts the userwith a [Barge from 2xx] display if the system is set for barge–in with tone.Programmed Message DisplayPreprogrammed station messages set by other stations are displayed at thecalling station's keyset.