– Auto punctuate automatically inserts a full stop in a sentenceby tapping the space bar twice when using the on-screenQWERTY keyboard.• Keyboard swipe: allows you to combine the Samsungkeyboard with an additional input method choose from:– None leaves text input as only via the on-screen keyboard.– SwiftKey Flow like using Swipe, allows you to enter text bysliding your fingers across the on-screen keyboard. This featureis optimized for use with the on-screen QWERTY keyboard.– Cursor control when enabled, allows you to control youron-screen cursor by moving your finger across the keyboard.• Key-tap feedback provides feedback functions to be enabledsuch as:– Sound enables auditory feedback when you tap anon-screen key.– Vibration enables vibration feedback when you tap anon-screen key.– Character preview provides an automatic preview of thecurrent character selection within the text string. This is helpfulwhen multiple characters are available within one key.• More settings provides access to additional access to moresettings.– Pen detection enables the device to automatically switch tohandwriting mode when the S Pen is detected.– Help launches a brief on-screen help tutorial covering the mainconcepts related to the Samsung keyboard.– Reset settings resets the keyboard settings back to theiroriginal configuration.Predictive Text SettingsFrom this menu you can set Predictive Text settings.1. From the Home screen, tap ➔ Settings ➔Controls ➔ Language and input.Controls2. Tap the icon next to Samsung keyboard.3. Tap the ON/OFF slider, located to the right of thePredictive text field, to turn it ON .4. Tap Predictive text.5. The following options are available:• Live word update allows the device to automatically update itsword database with popular new words every day.113