Front Dual Camera Quick Settings Camera ModeFacingCameraRecordVideoTakePictureChangeImageViewer Mode(Gallery)Viewfinder Effects7. While viewing a picture, after you have taken it, pinchthe screen outwards to zoom in or pinch the screeninwards to zoom out.You can magnify the picture up to x4.8. Press to return to the viewfinder.Taking Dual Camera PhotosWith the Dual Camera feature, you can take a picture withboth the front and rear cameras at the same time.To take a Dual Camera picture:1. From the camera viewfinder, tap the Dual Camera iconlocated at the top left side of the screen.The camera viewfinder displays an image from thefront-facing camera within a postage stamp pictureframe on top of the main image displayed from therear-facing camera.2. Press the Camera key ( ) to take the picture.To resize the front camera image:� Touch and hold the postage stamp picture frame untilthe resize handles appear, then drag a corner toenlarge the image.To reposition the front camera image� Touch and hold the postage stamp picture frame todetach it and then move it to a desired location.75