Repositioning the Multi WindowThe Multi window contains two components: tab and appspanel. The tab can be manually moved across the screen.The apps panel (containing the scrollable apps) can berelocated to lock onto the different sides of the screen(top/bottom/left/right).To move the tab:1. Activate the Multi window feature.2. In a single motion, touch and hold the tab forapproximately one-second, then slowly drag it to itsnew location along the current screen edge.Note: This is a quick way to get the tab out of the way if youcan’t get to a button or option behind it.To relocate the Multi window apps panel:1. Activate the Multi window feature.2. Tap the tab to display the apps panel (containing thescrollable apps).3. In a single motion, touch and hold the tab forapproximately one-second to detach it from thescreen, then slowly drag it to its new location along anyother available screen edge.Customizing the Multi Window appsThe applications found within the apps panel of the Multiwindow can be organized by either being rearranged orremoved.To rearrange the Multi window applications:1. Activate the Multi window feature.2. Tap the tab to display the apps panel (containing thescrollable apps).3. In a single motion, touch and hold a desired app until itdetaches from the panel, then carefully drag it to a newlocation in the list of apps. Lift your finger or stylus offthe screen to let go of the app and drop it into its newlocation.33