31Add an App Shortcut to a Home screen by dragging anApp icon onto the Home screen. For more information,refer to “Adding App Shortcuts from the Apps Screen”on page 27.ApplicationsThe following is an alphabetical list of the applications thatcome preloaded on your device.Alarm: Schedule alarms to remind you ofappointments or events, or as a wake-up. For moreinformation, refer to “Alarm” on page 147.AllShare: Synchronize your device with your TV. Formore information, refer to “AllShare” on page 148.Amazon Kindle: This application allows you todownload books, magazines, and newspapers to readon your tablet. For more information, refer to “AmazonKindle” on page 149.AT&T Code Scanner: AT&T Code Scanner allows you toscan 2D (QR and data matrix codes) and 1D (UPC andEAN) barcodes found in magazines, stores, andonline. For more information, refer to “AT&T CodeScanner” on page 150.AT&T Communication Manager: AT&T CommunicationManager is the easy-to-use, all-in-one tool that helpsyou view and manage your data plan. For moreinformation, refer to “AT&T CommunicationManager” on page 36.AT&T FamilyMap: Provides peace of mind by being ableto conveniently locate a family member from yourwireless tablet or PC and know that your family'slocation information is secure and private. For moreinformation, refer to “AT&T FamilyMap” on page 151.AT&T Navigator: AT&T Navigator provides you withaccess to real-time GPS-driven applications. For moreinformation, refer to “AT&T Navigator” on page 151.Calculator: The calculator provides the basicarithmetic functions to solve simple arithmeticproblems and advanced operators to solve morecomplex problems. For more information, refer to“Calculator” on page 151.Calendar: Record events and appointments to manageyour schedule. For more information, refer to“Calendar” on page 152.