safety and usage information25Persons with pacemakers:• should always keep the phone more than 15 cm(6 inches) from their pacemaker when the phoneis switched on.• should not carry the phone in a breast pocket.• should use the ear opposite the pacemaker tominimize potential interference.If you have any reason to suspect that interference istaking place, switch your phone off immediately.Hearing Aid Compatibility with MobilePhonesWhen some mobile phones are used near somehearing devices (hearing aids and cochlearimplants), users may detect a buzzing, humming, orwhining noise. Some hearing devices are moreimmune than others to this interference noise, andphones also vary in the amount of interference theygenerate.The wireless telephone industry has developedratings for some of their mobile phones, to assisthearing device users in finding phones that may becompatible with their hearing devices. Not all phoneshave been rated. Phones that are rated have therating on their box or a label on the box.The ratings are not guarantees. Results will varydepending on the user’s hearing device and hearingloss. If your hearing device happens to be vulnerableto interference, you may not be able to use a rated