![Samsung GT-S3830U User Manual Manual pdf 31 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5562138/60d7e1e52baa0bdfa98e8ca6d0a73e8f31f.jpg)
safety and usage information27VehiclesRF signals may affect improperly installed orinadequately shielded electronic systems in motorvehicles. Check with the manufacturer or itsrepresentative regarding your vehicle. You shouldalso consult the manufacturer of any equipment thathas been added to your vehicle.Posted FacilitiesSwitch your phone off in any facility where postednotices require you to do so.Potentially Explosive EnvironmentsSwitch your phone off when in any area with apotentially explosive atmosphere and obey all signsand instructions. Sparks in such areas could causean explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or evendeath.Users are advised to switch the phone off while at arefueling point (service station). Users are remindedof the need to observe restrictions on the use ofradio equipment in fuel depots (fuel storage anddistribution areas), chemical plants or where blastingoperations are in progress.Areas with a potentially explosive atmosphere areoften but not always clearly marked. They includebelow deck on boats, chemical transfer or storagefacilities, vehicles using liquefied petroleum gas(such as propane or butane), areas where the aircontains chemicals or particles, such as grain, dustor metal powders, and any other area where youwould normally be advised to turn off your vehicleengine.