128 Language and InputSettingsLanguage and InputConfigure your device’slanguage and input settings.LanguageYou can select a default language for your device’smenus and keyboards.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings> General.2. Tap Language and input > Language.3. Select a language from the list.Default KeyboardSelect your default keyboard or input method.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings> General.2. Tap Language and input > Default.3. Select a keyboard.Note: Additional keyboards can be downloaded fromthe Google Play store.Samsung KeyboardConfigure options for using the Samsung keyboard.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps > Settings> General.2. Tap Language and input.3. Tap Samsung keyboard for options:• English(US): Set the keyboard type to Qwertykeyboard or 3x4 keyboard.• Select input languages: Choose whichlanguages are available on the keyboard.To switch between languages, slide theSpace bar sideways.• Predictive text: Predictive text suggestswords that match your text entries, and canautomatically complete common words.Predictive text can learn your personal writingstyle from your contacts, messages, Gmail,and social networking sites — improving itsaccuracy of predicting your text entries.• Additional keyboard settings provideassistance with capitalization, punctuation,and much more.