69 MessagesApplicationsLearn how to send and receivedifferent messages using theSamsung Messages app on yourdevice.Types of MessagesThe Samsung Messages app provides the followingmessage types:• Text Messages (SMS)• Multimedia Messages (MMS)The Short Message Service (SMS) lets you sendand receive text messages to and from other mobilephones or email addresses. To use this feature, youmay need to subscribe to your service provider’smessage service.The Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) lets yousend and receive multimedia messages (such aspicture, video, and audio messages) to and fromother mobile phones or email addresses. To use thisfeature, you may need to subscribe to your serviceprovider’s multimedia message service.Messaging icons are displayed at the top of thescreen and indicate when messages are receivedand their type.Create and Send MessagesThis section describes how to create and send amessage using the Messages app.1. From a Home screen, tap Apps >Messages.2. Tap Compose.3. Tap the Enter recipients field to manually entera recipient or tap Add recipient to select arecipient from your Contacts. You can also selectthe recipient based on Groups, Favorites, or Log.• If adding a recipient from your Contacts,tap the contact to place a checkmark, andthen tap Done. The contact is placed in therecipients field.• Enter additional recipients by separating eachentry with a semicolon (;) and then using theprevious procedure. More recipients can beadded at any time before the message is sent.4. Tap the Enter message field to enter a message.• Attach: Add images, audio, and more toyour message.• Emoticon: Choose an available emoticonfrom the list and then add it into your messageat the cursor location.5. Review the message and tap Send.Note: If you exit a message before you send it, themessage is automatically saved as a draft.Messages