137• Signature allows you to create an outgoing email signatureattached to new email messages sent from your device.• Default account assigns this account as the default usedwhen sending out new email messages.• Always Cc/Bcc myself allows you to include your own emailaddress in either the CC, Bcc, or None fields. Lets you alwaysreceive a copy of outgoing emails.• Forward with files: Lets you include attachments whenforwarding an email.• Period to sync email to assign the sync range for yourincoming and outgoing email messages between your phoneand your external exchange server. How many days worth ofemail messages should the phone and server synchronize.Choose from: 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, or 1 month.• Empty server trash: allows you to delete your email account’strash bin remotely.• Sync schedule allows you to configure your email syncschedule.• Out of office settings allows you to both activate/deactivateyour email’s out of office settings, and configure both the start/end dates and your outgoing message.• Size to retrieve emails configures the incoming email sizeallowed to pass through to your phone automatically withoutuser interaction. Emails with attachments larger thanconfigured will have to be retrieved manually.• Period to sync Calendar assigns a period for your phone tosync calendar events. Choose from: 2 weeks, 1 month, 3months, 6 months, or All calendar.• Security options: allows you to enable several security optionssuch as: Encryption, Encryption algorithm, Sign, Signalgorithms, Email certificates, and Security policy list. Thesesecurity policies could restrict some functions from corporateservers.– Security policy list: lists the current email’s security policy.These policies could restrict some functions from corporateservers.• In case of sync conflict allows you to assign the mastersource on emails. If there is a conflict with the current emailsync you can assign the server as the main source for allemails (Update to device) or assign the phone to be the mainsource and update the server accordingly (Update to server).